Cooler than of late 12 - 16C, overcast, rain in afternoon, brisk E breeze
Starr Gate - 450 Common scoters, pergrine, 8 gannets, 6 common terns
Watson Road - 80 - 100 Swifts
Marton Mere LNR - True bug Grypocorus stysi (no Lancashire records on the National Biodiversity Network), several meadow browns, small tortoiseshell, speckled wood, brown hawker, Cetti's warbler
North Shore - 2 Harbour porpoises, 3 grey seals
Zoo - Devil's coach horse beetle
Please report any sightings of wildlife in Blackpool to sammyandsally @ (without the spaces)
You can also send your Blackpool wildlife photos for inclusion in the BEAT SummerWatch Wildlife Exhibition at the Solaris Centre