July 19th - August 10th is the Big Butterfly Count - very easy to join in and there are smartphone apps to help you record your butterfly sightings
July 26th - August 3rd is the Sea Watch Foundation's National Whale & Dolphin Watch for details of all the watches in Blackpool click on Cheshire/Lancashire
Sunday 20th July
Central Promenade - Old lady moth
Marton Mere LNR - Barn owl, common sandpiper, butterflies: 2 commas, 4 gatekeepers, 3 small tortoiseshells, 15+ peacocks
Solaris Centre - Peacock butterfly
New South Promenade - 5-bearded rockling
Saturday 19th July
North Shore - 3 Grey seals, 5 whimbrels, Mediterranean gull
North Blackpool Pond Trail Kincraig Lake - Mandarin, adult + 3 juv great crested grebes
Warbreck Hill - Moths: Lime speck pug, broad bordered yellow underwing, Phyllonorycter geniculella
Lime speck pug |
Phyllonorycter geniculella - less than 5mm long |
New South Promenade - Pelican Foot shell (5th record for Fylde coast on National Biodiversity Network)
Pelican's Foot shell |
Thursday 17th July
Town Centre - Sparrowhawk
Stanley Park - Pochard, 160 coot
Warbreck Hill - Common darter dragonfly
Wednesday 16th July
Town Centre - Grey wagtail 1
North Shore - 4 Manx shearwaters
Starr Gate - 12 Manx shearwaters, 38 dunlins
Marton Mere LNR - Grasshopper warbler, little egret, lesser whitethroat, grey wagtail, brown hawker dragonfly
Tuesday 15th July
Cherry Tree allotments - Grasshopper warbler
Marton Mere LNR - Barn owl, curlew