A mild weekend with well above average temperatures 7 - 13C some rain and light variable winds
Sunday 23rd November
North Shore go-kart track - 2 Purple sandpipers
Lawson's Wetland - 2 Stonechats
Marton Mere LNR - Cetti's warbler, 2 goldeneyes, 36 wigeon
Whitegate Drive - Grey wagtail
Saturday 22nd November
Marton Mere LNR - Weasel, chiffchaff, woodcock, 2 goldeneyes, 27 wigeon, 3 water rails, little owl, 4 Cetti's warblers, possible sighting of 2 long eared owls
The great grey shrike was still present just over our southern boundary on Lytham Moss
Please send your sightings and autumnal wildlife photos to sammyandsally @ blackpool.gov.uk (without the spaces)