Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Monday 16th March

A cool March day 4 - 8C murky and overcast with a light easterly wind

Lawson's Road - Sparrowhawk

Lawson's Field - 2 Wheatears, 5 reed buntings, bee orchid rosettes (in an unusual place on the mown grass area near De Vere's pond)

Marton Mere LNR - Cetti's warbler (in NW scrub), little grebe, buzzard

Town Centre - Grey wagtail

Solaris Centre - Grey wagtail (S)

Layton Cemetery - Great spotted woodpecker

There is a Facebook group for all things Marton Mere LNR including news of events and volunteer projects

There is also a page specifically for wildlife news at Marton Mere
https://www.facebook.com/groups/343548299164728/ please Like, Share and post your sightings and wildlife photos from the nature reserve

Follow Marton Mere LNR on twitter @MartonMereLNR

Volunteer Days at Marton Mere LNR are now every Tuesday 10am - 3pm - All welcome. Wear suitable footwear and bring your lunch.
There may also be some volunteering opportunities suitable for school/works/community groups etc. Contact Annie on 07469 038520 or annie.heslop @ blackpool.gov.uk (without the spaces) for full details of projects, dates and times.
Saturday March 22nd is National Community Clear Up Day. We’ll be holding a litter pick across the site to have a spring clean. We’re meeting at 10am at the new Visitors Centre and will split up across the site from there. This is open to everyone

Blackpool Conservation Team are also on Twitter @BlackpoolCT for you to follow and join in their excellent work

The Friends of North Blackpool Pond Trail are holding a Big Spawn Count in association with the Freshwater Habitats Trust on Saturday 21st March 1.00 - 2.30pm at Ashfield Road Pond opposite Blackpool & Fylde College. For more information contact their Facebook page 'North Blackpool Pond Trail'