Monday, 14 March 2016

Weekend 11th - 13th March

Mostly mild 0 - 14C much sunshine but hazy mist on Saturday, Sunday was warmest March 13th for many years and joint warmest day of the year so far. Winds were easterly and light

Sunday 13th March

Town Centre - Peregrine

Central Pier - 60 Oystercatchers

North Blackpool Pond Trail Kincraig Lake - 2 Pochards, 2 shovelers, 5 teal, great spotted woodpecker, sparrowhawk, 13 house sparrows

Heron's Reach - Treecreeper

Lawson's Wetland - Stonechat (a different one to the regular bird through the winter), meadow pipit

Ashworth Road waste depot - Iceland gull

Marton Mere LNR - Noctule bat, black necked grebe, bearded tit(s?), bittern, barn owl, 4 siskins (N), 2 buzzards, Iceland gull (Same as above), jack snipe, 26 whooper swans (N), kestrel, 2 oystercatchers, great spotted woodpecker, 5 pochards, 2 skylarks, coal tit, 8 curlews (N), 10 Cetti's warblers, 2500 pink footed geese (N), little grebe, 2 great crested grebes, 2 water rails, tree bees, buff tailed bumble bees, 2 peacock butterflies, small tortoiseshell, cow parsley in flower, lesser celandine, snake's head fritillary flower buds showing, cowslips flower buds showing

Saturday 12th March

Marton Mere LNR - Black necked grebe, little grebe, 3 great crested grebes, 7 goldeneyes, 66 wigeon, curlew (SE), 4 oystercatchers

Ashworth Road waste depot - Iceland gull

North Shore golf course - Goldcrest

Starr Gate - Redwing, 3 grey wagtails

Friday 11th March

Marton Mere LNR - Bittern, 2 barn owls, 6 redwings (E), 6 Cetti's warblers, 120 pink footed geese (on east fields + 46 N), 11 goldeneyes, 25 shovelers, 65 wigeon, 3 water rails, 43 black tailed godwits (N), 11 stock doves, 35 fieldfares, 2 coal tits, skylark

Town centre - Peregrine, grey wagtail

Heron's Reach - 31 Whooper swans (N)

New South Promenade - 159 Sanderlings
Pink footed geese heading back to Iceland
Local wildlife photographer Barry Dean is holding an exhibition of his wildlife photos at the Solaris Centre during February and March

Please email your sightings and wildlife photos to solaris.centre @ - without the spaces

The North Blackpool Pond Trail have a Facebook group page

There is a Facebook group for all things Marton Mere LNR including news of events and volunteer projects

There is also a page specifically for wildlife news at Marton Mere please Like, Share and post your sightings and wildlife photos from the nature reserve

Follow Marton Mere LNR on twitter @MartonMereLNR

Marton Mere LNR has a Flickr group - please join

Volunteer Days at Marton Mere LNR are now every Tuesday and Thursday 10am - 3pm - All welcome. Wear suitable footwear and bring your lunch.
There may also be some volunteering opportunities suitable for school/works/community groups etc. Contact Annie on 07469 038520 or annie.heslop @ (without the spaces) for full details of projects, dates and times.