Thursday, 21 April 2016

Wednesday 20th April

A glorious day but cool early on 2 - 15C Sunny with a very light variable wind

Lawson's Wetland - Chiffchaff, whitethroat

Lawson's Field - Whitethroat, blackcap, chiffchaff, willow warbler

Marton Mere LNR - Weasel, 3 reed warblers, sedge warbler, whitethroat, lesser whitethroat, buzzard, barn owl, 6 shovelers, small copper butterfly

Reads Avenue - Chiffchaff

Zoo - Swallow

East Park Drive - Mistle thrush

Staining Nook - Cetti's warbler, blackcap, 2 chiffchaffs

Stanley Park - 2 Blackcaps

New South Promenade - Bottlenose dolphin, 2 harbour porpoises, grey seal, 3 Mediterranean gulls, 6 Sandwich terns, whooper swan, goosander, grey plover (S), curlew (S), 2 eiders (S)
Small copper
Family Wildlife Event - Spot Super Life in the Water at Ashfield Road pond on the North Blackpool Pond Trail FY2 0HB Monday 2nd May 11am - 12.30. Join the team to find what is lurking in the pond, get to know the creatures and their lifestyles - Free but a donation to the Friends of North Blackpool Pond Trail would be welcome.

Wildlife recording walk - Meet at the gate on Lawson's Road opposite Lancaster Road Tuesday 3rd May 1pm - 3pm for a wander round the reserve with the Friends of Marton Mere. Come along to learn what species we have and how to identify them - from birds to butterflies, orchids to dragonflies. Free but a donation to the Friends of Marton Mere would be welcome.

Local wildlife photographer Barry Dean is holding an exhibition of his wildlife photos at the Solaris Centre during April

Please email your sightings and wildlife photos to solaris.centre @ - without the spaces

The North Blackpool Pond Trail have a Facebook group page

There is a Facebook group for all things Marton Mere LNR including news of events and volunteer projects

There is also a page specifically for wildlife news at Marton Mere please Like, Share and post your sightings and wildlife photos from the nature reserve

Follow Marton Mere LNR on twitter @MartonMereLNR