Tuesday 2nd May
Mossom Nature Field - Willow warbler, small tortoiseshell, many cuckoo flowers
Gynn Gardens - 5 Willow warblers
Solaris Centre - Sedge warbler (only 2nd or 3rd record here)
Marton Mere LNR - 2 Bullfinches, buzzard, sparrowhawk, 2 tree sparrows, 4 Cetti's warblers, 2 ravens (SE), 2 lesser whitethroats, 2 common sandpipers, 3 house martins, 4 orange tip butterflies
Lawson's Wetland - Cetti's warbler
Heron's Reach Golf Course - Cetti's warbler
Stanley Park Golf Course - Cetti's warbler
Staining Nook - 2 Ravens, Cetti's warbler, lesser whitethroat
Starr Gate - 4 Whimbrels, ringed plover
Monday 1st May
Warbreck Hill - Gooden's nomad bee, another nomad bee species
Starr Gate - 33 Black terns (SE), 712 Arctic terns (SE), 26 Sandwich terns, 68 pink footed geese (N), 6 eiders (N), 2 red breasted mergansers (N), 17 Manx shearwaters, 46 gannets (S), whimbrel, Arctic skua (S), 38 swallows (N), 4 sand martins (N)
North Blackpool Pond Trail Kincraig Lake - Common sandpiper, great spotted woodpecker, 2 great crested grebes
Lawson's Wetland - Whinchat, grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler, reed warbler
Lawson's Allotments - Cetti's warbler
Lawson's field - Redstart
Heron's Reach - 2 Buzzards (over)
Staining Nook - Cetti's warbler, 3 tree sparrows, lesser whitethroat
Marton Mere LNR - 2 Pochards, whimbrel (N), 2 oystercatchers, 2 lapwings, 2 sparrowhawks, kestrel, 3 whinchats, 4 Cetti's warblers, 3 lesser whitethroats, 5 whitethroats, 5 grasshopper warblers, common sandpiper
Stanley Park - Garden warbler
Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - Garden warbler, sedge warbler, willow warbler, chiffchaff, 2 blackcaps
Sunday 30th April
Regency Gardens - Willow warbler, blackcap
Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - Lesser whitethroat
Starr Gate - 2 Grey seals, 210 Arctic terns (E), 26 black terns (E), 2 little terns (N), 12 common terns, 2 gannets, whimbrel, 140 swallows (N), 8 red throated divers, 15 Manx shearwaters, 3300 Knot (S), Arctic skua, 56 guillemots, 16 razorbills, short eared owl (in from the sea)
Stanley Park - 2 Black terns, 4 common sandpipers, 4 blackcaps, chiffchaff, 4 great crested grebes, oystercatcher
Staining Nook - Whitethroat
Lawson's Wetland - Fox, reed warbler, whitethroat
Marton Mere LNR - Weasel, 5 wheatears, common sandpiper, lesser whitethroat, 7 whitethroats, little grebe, buzzard
Saturday 29th April
Heron's Reach golf course - Cetti's warbler
Lawson's Wetland - 2 Grasshopper warblers, 2 sedge warblers, whitethroat, Cetti's warbler
Marton Mere LNR - 2 Common sandpipers, swift, house martin, 2 lesser whitethroats, 6 Cetti's warblers, 4 whitethroats, 10 reed warblers, 4 linnets, 30 black tailed godwits, 2 oystercatchers
Friday 28th April
Solaris Centre - 2 Linnets
Stanley Park - 4 Common sandpipers, 2 house martins, 5 swallows, 5 blackcaps, nuthatch, great spotted woodpecker
Salisbury Woodland Garden - Stock dove
Heron's Reach golf course - 2 Tufted ducks, little grebe
Lawson's Wetland - Cetti's warbler
Staining Nook - Cetti's warbler
Marton Mere LNR - Grasshopper warblers, 4 whitethroats, 4 sedge warblers, 4 Cetti's warblers, 8 gadwalls, 7 stock doves
Starr Gate - 700 Arctic terns (N), 39 Manx shearwaters, 170 pink footed geese, 21 eiders (S), velvet scoter, 5 red breasted mergansers (S), 14 red throated divers, guillemot, 2 razorbills, Arctic skua, 19 swallows (N)
Thursday 27th April
Starr Gate - Arctic skua (N), 28 Manx shearwaters (N), 7 eiders (S), 9 red throated divers (N), 27 kittiwakes (N), 41 gannets (N), 33 Sandwich terns (N), 16 Arctic terns (N), guillemot (N)
Staining Nook - Cetti's warbler
Lawson's Wetland - Reed warbler, sedge warbler, whitethroat
Salisbury Woodland Gardens - Blackcap
Marton Mere LNR - Grasshopper warbler, 2 sedge warblers, 2 whitethroat, 5 Cetti's warblers, great crested grebe, black tailed godwit, kestrel, 10 stock doves
Whimbrel at South beach |
EVENT - The Friends of North Blackpool Pond Trail are holding a Family Bird Bingo birdwatching morning on Saturday 6th May 10am - 12 noon. Meet at the Bird Viewing Area at Kincraig Lake opposite the Spar shop on Kincraig Road. Bring binoculars and camera if you have them.
This event is FREE but a donation to the Friends of North Blackpool Pond Trail would be welcome
The North Blackpool Pond Trail have a Facebook group page
There is a Facebook group for all things Marton Mere LNR including news of events and volunteer projects
There is also a page specifically for wildlife news at Marton Mere https://www.facebook.com/groups/343548299164728/ please Like, Share and post your sightings and wildlife photos from the nature reserve
Follow Marton Mere LNR on twitter @MartonMereLNR