A colder than average day for February 1 - 4C mostly sunny with a cold moderate northerly wind
Marton Mere LNR - Fox, Iceland gull, treecreeper, 2 jack snipe, 10 snipe, 2 woodcocks, 30 fieldfares, stock dove, water rail, 2 Cetti's warbler, 200 lapwings, kestrel
Town Centre Sainsbury's - Honey bee (1st report of the year)
The Great grey shrike is still in the rough bramble field just over our southern boundary along Queensway
You can now volunteer at Marton Mere LNR - learn about habitat management, help make the reserve more accessible for all visitors, develop traditional countryside skills, make new friends, have fun - what are you waiting for? Get involved...
For full details of projects and dates phone Annie Heslop on 07469 038520 or email
annie.heslop @ blackpool.gov.uk (without the spaces)