Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Monday 12th June

About average temperatures 13 - 16C some sunshine later with a strong westerly wind

New South Promenade - Green shore crab, common prawn, many brown shrimps, compass jellyfish, 3 juvenile flatfish sp, necklace shells, Iceland cyprine, several common otter shells, edible oyster, many pod razors, a few curved razors,

Starr Gate - Fulmar, Arctic skua, 150 Manx shearwaters, 70 gannets, 6 kittiwakes, 14 guillemots

Stanley Park - adult + 2 juvenile Grey wagtails, juvenile great spotted woodpecker (out of the nest), 10 swifts

Marton Mere LNR - Common tern, 3 Cetti's warblers, lesser whitethroat, skylark, lapwing, 2 oystercatchers, 2 kestrels, buzzard

Heron's Reach golf course - 2 Tufted ducks, reed warbler
Green shore crab found by Revoe Brownies
The North Blackpool Pond Trail have a Facebook group page

There is a Facebook group for all things Marton Mere LNR including news of events and volunteer projects

There is also a page specifically for wildlife news at Marton Mere https://www.facebook.com/groups/343548299164728/ please Like, Share and post your sightings and wildlife photos from the nature reserve

Follow Marton Mere LNR on twitter @MartonMereLNR