Thursday, 8 June 2017

Wednesday 7th June

About average temperatures for early June 11 - 16C Prolonged rain then brightening up with a westerly gale at first becoming a gentle breeze by the evening

North Shore - 5 Fulmars (N), 42 gannets (mostly N), 2 Manx shearwaters

Marton Mere LNR - 5 Cetti's warblers, 2 Lapwings, 2 shovelers, kestrel, buzzard

Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - 2 Song thrushes, blackcap, juvenile sparrowhawk
The North Blackpool Pond Trail have a Facebook group page

There is a Facebook group for all things Marton Mere LNR including news of events and volunteer projects

There is also a page specifically for wildlife news at Marton Mere please Like, Share and post your sightings and wildlife photos from the nature reserve

Follow Marton Mere LNR on twitter @MartonMereLNR