Good numbers of Red admiral butterflies are still on the move southwards. Speckled woods continue to fly on warmer days. It's all change in the bird world too as migration gets in to full swing. Some interesting mammals have also been seen.
Tuesday 26th September
Marton Mere LNR - Kingfisher, 3 Cetti's warblers
Town Centre - 2 Peregrines
Staining Nook - 2 Blackcaps
Lawson's Wetland - Cetti's warbler
Heron's Reach golf course - Cetti's warbler
Gynn Gardens - Blackcap, 3 goldcrests, chiffchaff
Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - 2 Goldcrests, sparrowhawk
Monday 25th September
Stanley Park - Ring necked parakeet,
Marton Mere LNR - Wood Sandpiper, kingfisher, barn owl, 6 snipe, 3 water rails
Town Centre - 2 Peregrines
North Shore go-kart track - Purple sandpiper, 2 wheatears
Bushes at Metropole Hotel - yellow browed warbler, chiffchaff
Mossom Nature Field - Sparrowhawk
Warbreck Hill - Oystercatcher (SW)
Sunday 24th September
Marton Mere LNR - Great white egret, 2 ravens (NW), Cetti's warbler, 2 great spotted woodpeckers (S), 2 chiffchaffs, 30 shovelers, 2 wigeon
Lawson's Wetland - Cetti's warbler
Mossom Nature Field - Willow warbler
Saturday 23rd September
Marton Mere LNR - Bittern, Mediterranean gull, 19 teal, 35 tufted ducks, water rail, 2 chiffchaffs
Stanley Park - 23 Gadwall, 2 goldcrests, 5 grey wagtails
North Shore go-kart track - Purple sandpiper, 2 red throated divers
Warbreck Hill - Kestrel, coal tit, goldcrest
Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - Goldcrest, sparrowhawk
Friday 22nd September
Town Centre - 3 Peregrines, 2 grey wagtails
Salisbury Woodland Garden - Water rail
Stanley Park - 18 Gadwall
Jubilee Gardens - 2 Goldcrests, chiffchaff
Marton Mere LNR - 3 Little egrets (NE), wheatear, 3 Cetti's warblers
Thursday 21st September
Stanley Park - Ring necked parakeet
Bushes near Metropole Hotel - 28 House sparrows
Town Centre - 2 Peregrines
Marton Mere LNR - 20 Pied wagtails, 2 Cetti's warblers, buzzard, sparrowhawk
Stanley Park - 19 Gadwall, oystercatcher
Bispham Cliffs - Wheatear
Wednesday 20th September
Starr Gate - Harbour porpoise, Arctic skua, 13 shelducks (N), 3 wigeon (S), eider, 520 common scoters, 15 red throated divers, gannet (S), 5 razorbills
Marton Mere LNR - 2 Otters, 2 ravens, water rail, 13 teal
Stanley Park - 14 Gadwall, 2 nuthatches, coal tit
Town Centre - 3 Peregrines
Tuesday 19th September
Gynn Gardens - 2 Whitethroats
Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - 3 Moorhens, 2 coal tits
Marton Mere LNR - Sparrowhawk, kestrel, 30 tufted ducks, 4 Cetti's warblers, 3 chiffchaffs
Monday 18th September
Devonshire Road Rock Gardens - 2 Moorhens, chiffchaff, goldcrest, coal tit
Warbreck Hill - Golden plover (over during the night), chiffchaff
Starr Gate - 2 Harbour porpoises, 3 grey seals, 1665 common scoters, 59 red throated divers, 40 Sandwich terns, 7 razorbills, 3 guillemots, 3 gannets (N)
Marton Mere LNR - 3 Stoats, 2 great crested newts, 3 jays, pintail, 23 gadwall, water rail, buzzard, kestrel, blackcap, 2 chiffchaffs, 6 Cetti's warblers, 3 goldcrests, snipe
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Goldcrest in Stanley Park |
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